Delivering positive impact in fragile & conflict-affected societies


ESG performance and Impact investing have been around for a while now but the Covid pandemic has transformed it into a trend that is to become the dominant strategy of the 2020s. But how can companies and investors assess true underlying sustainability and be certain about their footprint in the more challenging and risky settings where impact tends to carry a different meaning? The answer lies in the ability to contextualize impact for each specific setting and make the outcomes of the business operations or investments explicit and tangible in their relation to existing fault lines in societies that experience fragility and conflict. Only this way, a 'social license to operate' can be secured.  

FCS Impact offers (starting) companies and investors including those interested in applying for funding from the Dutch Good Growth Fund (DGGF) under Track, 1, 2 or 3, the opportunity to become frontrunners in creating positive social and economic value - one that addresses inequalities and contributes to inclusive growth and stability in FCS. Where existing guidelines and standards such as the UNGPs, IFC Performance Standards, OECD Guidelines and Common Approaches fall short, our approach offers practical guidance for managing all local risks while delivering evidence of positive impact that is tangible, measurable and can be translated into genuine contributions to the SDGs

We go beyond compliance of international standards and do no harm efforts which have proven to be insufficient in many fragile DGGF countries. Instead, we place an emphasis on maximizing ESG performance that can mitigate risks, thus integrate risks with impact and show what is needed to carry out a meaningful corporate risk and impact assessments while providing guidance for advancing positive ESG impact on local communities.

At this moment, we offer half day consultancy services at no cost to Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) that export to or import from Fragile and Conflict Settings (FCS) including many DGGF countries. These free services aim to create a better understanding on how to deal with on-the-ground realities and maximize ESG and CSR performance. We also provide similar free services to investors and (DGGF) Fund managers interested to track and measure their true ESG impact. These services will be of particular help to those business and investors interested in applying for DGGF funding.

If you are interested in our services, you can submit the Online contact form and you will be contacted by one of our representatives to discuss the services without any obligation.